Additional Services
Copies: $0.50 per page
Paper Copies of Public Documents: $0.50 per page
Electronic Media Copies of Public Documents: Actual cost of media
Meeting Agendas via email fax or pick-up: Free
Meeting Agendas via first-class mail: Must provide stamped-self-addressed envelopes
Faxes: $1.00 per page
Key Deposit/Unreturned Key Charge: $20.00 each
Returned Check: $20.00 each
Showers: $1.00 per each 10 minutes (available to tenants only)
Washers: $2.00 per cycle (available to tenants only)
Dryers: $1.00 per each 40-minute cycle (available to tenants only)
Soap: $1.00 per box
Clerical Processing Fee for all those proposing to do business with the district: $30.00
Clerical and Legal Processing Fee for those proposing to enter or modify a lease with the District: Deposit of $500.00 and payment of all additional sums within ten days of notice except $250.00 that is paid by district after the initial deposit
Concession Certificate for wholesale purchase of seafood products without a hoist lease: $500.000 for the application and renewal or any updated application submitted to the district
Concession/Wharfage Fee on sales of Seafood Products: $50.00 per month to a maximum of $200 per calendar year
Concession Fee for non-seafood sales on District property absent a lease: $30.00 per day
Live Aboard Application and Inspection Fee: $20.00 (plus Clerical Processing Fee if this has not already occurred during the initial moorage process)
Personnel: $40.00 per hour during regular business hours from 7 AM until 3:30 PM weekdays; $60.00 per hour outside regular business hours and at any time on weekends and holidays. All labor time will be rounded to the nearest 1/4 hour. Additional charges may apply if labor is called in outside regular business hours.
Forklift (includes operator): $70.00 per hour (1/2 hour minimum charge)
Mobile Crane (includes operator): $150.00 per hour (1/2 hour minimum charge)
Port Boat (Equipment only – labor is an additional expense with 1/2 hour minimum charge for each laborer): $100.00 per hour (1/2 hour minimum charge)
Pumping a Vessel by District Staff: Personell charges as appropriate; plus $25 per use for each electric pump and $50 per use of each gasoline-powered pump
Public Hoist: $20 for each 1/2 hour needed
Travel lift – round-trip (Equipment only – labor is an additional expense): $6.50 per foot
Travel lift – one-way trailer (Equipment only – labor is an additional expense): $4.00 per foot
Laydays: $0.75 per day; $20 per day minimum charge (no charge for a day boat goes back in). Boats remaining in the Laydays area for more than 30 consecutive days shall be charged %80 of the per foot per day rate.
Launch Ramp Access: $6.00 per day; $35.00 per calender month; $90.00 per calendar year. There is a 5% discount for persons at least 60 years old and to those who are disabled (one discount per customer to a maximum of 5% per vessel)
Boat Pump Rental: Free for District Tenants
Sewage Pump Out: Free
Storage per item/pair of items: $20.00 per month
Waste Oil/Oily Bilge Water Disposal: $1.75 per gallon pus labor charge
Use of Work Dock (tenants are allowed specified periods of use without charge by the District’s policies): $25.00 per day in addition to other moorage charges as appropriate