Friends of the Harbor

Friends of the Crescent City Harbor is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that was formed in 2016 with the purpose of assisting the development, improvement, and prosperity of the Crescent City Harbor. All charitable contributions are tax-deductible (see our IRS determination letter below).
The people of Crescent City are used to being self-reliant and getting together to accomplish projects. This was never more evident than in 1950, when the town was unable to obtain government funding to replace an old crumbling wharf. The citizens pulled together the funds, built a new wharf, and named it Citizens Dock.
Today, the Harbor District continues to draw upon the self-reliant spirit of its supporters, and works closely with the Friends of the Harbor District to help plan and fundraise for inspiring, but also practical, new projects throughout the Harbor.
Current Fundraising Projects:
- Replacement of the sheet pile seawall that supports Citizens Dock access.
- Development of tourist serving lodging in the Harbor District.
- Creation of an educational/interpretive walkway with marine life signage by the seal docks.
Friends of the Harbor - IRS Tax Exempt Determination.pdf