Moorage Reservations

Please check-in at the Harbor Office Monday-Friday between 7:30 am-5:00 pm.
After hours and on weekends, please contact security for check-in. Security monitors VHF Channel 16 or can be reached by cell phone at 707-954-8341
Please be prepared with the following information:
- Vessel name
- Vessel type (fishing, motor, or sail)
- Documentation or Registration number
- Vessel OVERALL length
If you are unable to reach harbor staff, feel free to side tie to H Doc which is the first dock you will see when entering the harbor. There is a box containing payment envelopes alongside the office door. Rates are posted near the box.
Guest vessel moorage is available on both sides of H-dock. Side tie anywhere along that dock. Rafting up (Side tying to other vessels) is prohibited due to the proximity to the channel.
Fuel is available on the north side of Citizens Dock (the pier with the large blue building on the end). You will see the white fuel shack approximately midway along the pier with white boxes to the east of it. The boxes are enclosed by a yellow barricade and contain the fuel pumps.
Tie to the pier and the fuel distributor will lower a hose to you. There is a camel (tire) barrier to keep your boat from going under the pier; putting down bumpers will help to keep the tires from marking your boat.
The fuel distributor comes down as needed between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Call them at 707-465-1776. Response time is approximately 15 minutes.
Payment can be made by cash, check, travelers check, VISA, or MasterCard. Slip rent expires at 12:00 noon. If the office is closed, payment instructions are located alongside the office door (exact change or check only). There is a $10.00 charge if we have to bill you.
Public restrooms are located behind the office, and on the north and east side of the boat basin. They are unlocked during the daytime. After hours, contact Security for restroom access.
Showers are located in the restrooms behind the office and on the north side of the boat basin. The showers are made available to tenants by calling 707-464-6174 during business hours or .707-954-8341 after hours.
Laundry facilities are available with key access in the building behind the office and in the restroom located on the north side of the boat basin. See the office or security for a key. Both have soap and dryer sheet dispensers. Change is available at the office.
You are welcome to tie a dingy at the Work dock or the Check-in dock when registering, using bathroom/shower facilities, or running brief errands. Please be considerate of other boaters and leave plenty of room for other vessels.
Sewage Pump-out
A sewage pump-out station is located at the check-in dock just in front and to the west of the office.
Extended Stays
If you would like to stay for longer than a few days, we have discounted monthly and annual rates. . Check with the office for details.
Security monitors VHF Channel 16 or can be reached on cell phone 707-954-8341.